Projects And News

Rob Lydan

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9th Caribbean Renewable Energy Forum

This year, the Caribbean Renewable Energy Forum, organized by the New Energy Events LLC took place...

The Shifting Role of the Solar EPC

Learn more about the shifting role of the Solar EPC and How the Solar Trade Case Could Change...

Project Management for Massachusetts Solar Portfolio

Project Management for Massachusetts Solar Portfolio 15 MW |Solar| Massachusetts Phoventus is...

Henvey Inlet Wind Energy Centre

Environmental Oversight for Henvey Inlet Wind Energy Centre Phoventus is providing on-site...

Japan – Yamagata Solar Project

Transaction Advisory for Yamagata Solar Project Phoventus is supporting the acquisition of the...

Attractive Economics and Cost Savings – Why Mines are Turning to Renewables?

Why Mines are Turning to Renewables? This thought leadership piece provides insights from Rob...

Sincerity and Patience Required for Renewables in Mining to Succeed

Rob Lydan, former director, solar and wind, at Hatch, sees the mining industry finally starting to...

Implementing Operational Savings for Remote Mines

Here is everything you need to know about Implementing Operational Savings for Remote Mines. Take...

Mining Operations

The African continent is particularly convenient to renewable energy solutions and mining...

Engineers work for approvals in Ontario solar industry

The solar photovoltaic energy industry has burgeoned in Ontario ever since the provincial...

Five Reasons Renewable Microgrids Make Sense for the Mining Industry

Renewable energy continues to make inroads in the mining industry. There are now a large number of...

Positioning Renewables for Boom Days in Mining Companies

A few things affect how keen mining companies are to move from study to the adoption of renewable...